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The muscle cars of GTA 5

Here you have the complete list

Who has not hallucinated with the amalgam of cool vehicles of the GTA franchise?There is no doubt that Rocsktar likes cars, and proof of this is the appearance of great models in their games.There are a lot of types of vehicles that we can drive in each GTA delivery and the classic Muscle Cars always have a special place in the franchise.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: the Albany Buccaneer:

Here we have a whole coupé, large and sports that, even if it has a considerable size, has great speed and resistance.When we enjoy the update of GTA online "Lowriders" we will see that we access the cabrio version of this car.If we want to find this vehicle, we can approach Cypress Flats, since it usually looks around.We can also get one of them by Benny's original Wroks Motor, paying $ 29,000.Similarly, we can customize the car, investing about 390,000 in some changes to leave it to our liking.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: the Albany Virgo:

This is one of the MuxCle Cars of the game that arrived with the "dirty money" update.This vehicle has an 8 -valve and 5.4 liter engine.Driving it we can count on its 380CV although, despite this it is not a particularly fast car.At the time of accelerating, we will see that it does not stand out too much since it takes to move from 0 to 100km/h about 9.9seg.However, we know that we can reach the speed of 201km/h.To get him we can go to the garages of the protagonists in the versions of PS3 and X360 or buy it in for $ 195,000 on PS4 or Xone.There is also a variant of the vehicle, called Virgo Classic, which we can buy at Benny's Original Motor Works for $ 165,000.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The gauntlet splash:

This car represents an entire wink to Atari that Rockstar has the luxury of making them, since it is a car totally inspired by the Dodge Challenger, which homenage the Gauntlet dungeon game.We can find the car in the garages of the protagonists, after overcoming the second car competition race.We can also buy it for $ 32,000 in

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The Declasse knows Turbo:

Reference to the famous and valued Chevrolet Chevelle of 70, the Sabre Turbo calls all our attention as classic among the classics.It is a really resistant car than fast.The only point that we must take into account is your rear traction, when we step thoroughly, since you can leave a little.If we want to get him, we can get it at Benny's Original Motor Works for $ 490,000, although we can see it circulating through Paleto Bay or Great Ocean Highway.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The Declasse Stallion:

The Stallion has appeared before in other deliveries of the GTA franchise, although in other deliveries it was manufactured by the Classique house and not by Declasse.The vehicle has a great power that makes it quite difficult to control, although it has great acceleration.However, it must be recognized that its speed is not very good, which may be due to its size.This is another aspect that attracts attention because, despite being great, it only admits 2 occupants.We can get him for $ 71,000 in or find him in multiple map sites.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The Declasse Tampa:

This is another classic that reminds us of the mythical Ford Mustang, although we will have to have the festive surprise update to get him.This vehicle can be modified in multiple ways in the Saints Customs.With Cunning Stunts we can access a version of races of the Tampa.We can find a version of this military green car with an machine gun on its roof.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The Declasse Vigero:

If we want to count on this vehicle between our collection we will have to be playing the versions of GTA V of PC, PS4 and Xbox One. As can be seen with the naked eye, this vehicle is inspired by General Lee, the mythical Dodge Charger.We can get the car for $ 279,000 in, although online it can be obtained for $ 62,000.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The imposing Duke O'Death:

This is the modified version of the previous one in which the frontal defenses and armored crystals stand out.It also has antivuelco bars and ceiling spotlights.The car also has an air intake that stands out in the capo and therefore it is one of the most spectacular.To get the car we will have to overcome the duel, south of El Burro Heights and Great Lady Desert.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The imposing Nightshade:

Los Muscle Cars de GTA 5

This baby car of the classic Chevrolet Camaro of 71 and is a model that all passionate about these vehicles should have.The only thing you should know is that you can only do with him through online mode, once you get the executive and other criminals update.The price of this car is $ 585,000 in

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The imposing Phoenix:

If you are lovers of the Pontiac Firebird of 78, this car cannot be missing in your collection.It is a model that resists very well the blows and its 8 -valve engine gives it extraordinary acceleration and end speed.It is really easy to get him, since we can usually see him by Davis, Strawberry, Lester and Grove Street.We can also remove it to a member of the Aztec Band, during the Mission of Trevor "Industrias Trevor Philips".

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The imposing Ruiner:

This fantastic imponte Ruiner is inspired by the Pontiac Firebird of 89. It is a car that has high peak speed and allows us to modify it to the top in the Saints Customs.We can improve from its design to its characteristics.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The imposing Ruiner 2000:

Of all the Muscle Car, this variant of the Ruiner is the most powerful, since it has a parachute in the driver's seat, launch and machine guns.In addition, it allows us to execute jumps whenever we want.Wow, we have little to say that it is the authentic "fantastic car."

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The inventor Coquette Blackfin:

This vehicle, with a design closer to the 50s, has an 8 -valve and 360 hp engine and can be obtained from the update dirty money part 2. I can get it in the garages of the protagonists of the game, although also alsoIt can be obtained in, for $ 695,000 in PC, Xbox One and PS4.Even so, we can also find it as a middle class vehicle in Securaserv.

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The Vapid Blade:

This car looks more like a lowrider, although the company has included it as Muscle Car due to its speed and great management.This can also be modified without limits.To get him we can go outside the Saints Customs, in Burton, or at the door, Rockford Hills and Pillbox Hill.However, we can pay $ 160,000 in

Muscle Cars of GTA 5: The Dominator Vapid:

It is clear that this vehicle is the virtual reincarnation of Ford Mustang in its 2005 version. It is a large, fast and really resistant car.We can often find it at the Los Santos International Airport, within the parking lot of the Galileo Observatory and Burton, near the Saints Customs.After overcoming the standard car race, we will obtain the Dominator of Competition.

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